Pradeep Berry’s second book ‘The Untold Secret of My Connie’ is a heart wrecking story that shows one man’s struggle and courage in the face of devastating loss. In this raw text, Mr. Berry details the events surrounding the tragic demise of his late wife, Connie. Although Connie had been ill for a while, Pradeep believes that her passing had something to do with medical negligence. He provides what he refers to as proof for this, including unauthorized phone calls and falsified documents.

Mr. Berry makes a strong case for foul play and conspiracy, adding a saddening twist to an already terrible situation.
‘The Untold Secret of My Connie’ is marked with skin-crawling scenes of Connie’s last days. He details the countless hours he spent by her side, hoping against hope that she would recover.

The author remorsefully tells how his wife was taken off life support when he left for one hour. Indeed, this book is more than an accusation. It is a devastating tale of one man grappling with the consequences of death’s cruelty. And how dishonesty and malpractice on the part of the medical staff made everything much worse. Berry details his persistent search for justice, and how he struggled to find meaning in his life upon the demise of his beloved wife. In the midst of the sadness and the anguish, ‘The Untold Secret of My Connie’ provides inspiration in the form of loving and pure memories of his wife.

Page 50 from The Untold Secret of My Connie My First and Last Love: Medical Negligence and Conspiracy

“In my Opinion: The following are Very Strong Points”


  1. Connie got four extra chemotherapy sessions from Dr. Brockstine, head and neck oncologist, in the middle of March until April 17, 2013. After a little scar in the PET scan in December 2012, he started giving chemotherapy. PET scan in March 2013 showed that she was fine and that the cancer was not there.


  1. He insisted on four extra chemotherapy sessions that resulted in neuropathy, which he said would go away. But it did not, and physical therapy was given. Later her oxygen was low, and physical therapy had to be stopped.


  1. An X-ray showed water in her lungs, and biopsy indicated breast cancer cells from 2002. He should have given the case to a breast cancer oncologist, as I told him. He said no. He suggested thoracenteses, and I was taking her twice a week for that starting July 2013. And on January 14, 2014, we went to Florida. The doctor At the Florida Cancer Center suggested an injection of Faslodex, which was not suggested by Brockstine. When I called him, he said he did not think of it and it is a good idea. The Florida doctor and Brockstine agreed that when we got back on March 1, 2014, it should be continued. In early January 2013, Connie also saw Dr. Winslow, a pulmonary doctor at North Shore, who suggested oxygen and thought Florida climate and humidity would do better. We flew with oxygen concentration, but Connie bought portable too for the thoracenteses and the injection in Florida.
  2. After we came back from Florida, thoracenteses was still going, and water was getting lower.


  1. Winslow prescribed a Dulera inhaler, which is actually for asthma patients. Connie took it accordingly. It ruined her condition, which too has been reported in the Mayo Clinic Report.


  1. Connie went for thoracenteses in the second and third week of July 2014 and the end of July. Thoracenteses showed 37 mm water, and North Shore said it is too little to take out. That water, as shown in the Mayo Clinic Reports, thickens as a flame, heavily blocking her airways. The Mayo Clinic also said that Dulera worsened her breathing. Mayo also mentioned in the report that no bronchoscopy was done in July 2014, and Mayo did all that. That is how they figured out her case was spoiled, and metastasis was in her lung airways. That is how Mayo Clinic put in the report and referred palliative care, which was a shock to us.